Indira Gandhi International Airport, Terminal 3, New Delhi
Airport Terminal & Piers
175,000 Sq. M
T-3 terminal at Delhi international airport terminal & pier spread in nearly 1.75 million Sq.M covered area. Interarch has constructed this project using 7200 MT structure off site manufacturing as design and built basis for the developer GMR. Roofing system for entire covered areas is designed by Interarch to meet acoustic and thermal insulation requirement.
The structure is designed for wind velocity of 50 m/sec and seismic zone V considering design as per IS-800 incorporating each & every requirement of MEP services & interfaces needs. Every cut outs, cleats, brackets connection etc. have been in built at design stage to avoid field modification.
Facade framing for entire T3 Terminal, using box sections has been fabricated to meet architectural need of the airport.